Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It was another good day to ride yesterday, so we headed to Geneva-on-the-Lake in Ohio. Hot but nice, the air cooled down as we got closer to lake Erie. The ride was enjoyable; we took Rts. 7, 193, 88, and 534.

We rode by the Hopewell Therapeutic Farm, which is a place for people to visit or stay if they have mental health or other related problems. Good idea. I want to go visit too, but not for any instabilities!

We got to GOTL and parked the bike, then walked over to the leather shop, which was closed - booo!! So we headed over to the lakeside benches and sat in the wonderful breeze blowing across the lake. What a pretty, endless, borderless horizon! The bench we chose was the one we sat on the first time we went to GOTL last August on our first date :-)

After cooling off we got a drink at Sportsters, chatted with the bartender who wants to ride motorcycles and is intending to take the Harley riding course, then we headed down the road to The Pavilion, an outdoor bar with two levels. There were pics of biker chicks showing their boobs all along the bar header (not the sexiest sight in the world, but whatever!). Just glad nobody wanted to see mine :)

We rode off to have dinner at the Old Mill Winery in the town of Geneva. It was great! We had their wine-marinated grilled cheeseburgers with chips and waffle fries, as well as some - you guessed it - cheese sticks! Being a red wine fan, I just had to try some of their Cabernet Franc. Delicious and peppery, a nice dry wine. I wanted to take some home, but we didn't take luggage, so we'll take a road trip someday to hit the wineries across northeast Ohio. It truly was refreshing to have good, fresh local wine instead of the cheap commercial stuff sold in stores.

We rode home just in time before it got too cold. We hadn't taken our leather jackets, and once the temperature gets below 80, it gets chilly very fast moving at 40-50 MPH on a bike. Just before home we stopped to see my sister and niece; it was a nice finish to a really nice day!

- Springer Queen

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