Sunday, October 7, 2012

Worden's Cycle Annual Poker Run

 Guess I never posted about the Worden's Custom Cycle Poker Run that we went on in June. Located in and around Canal Fulton, Ohio, it was a hot effing day; talk about swamp ass?!? It was fun anyway.

We rode with our friend, Mr. Electric, lost a pair of sunglasses, got lost, came close to running out of gas when the tank went on reserve miles and miles from a gas station, accidentally went down a gravel road that had a STEEP downslope hill, and didn't make it to all the stops.

Oh well, we ate some bar food and rode the beautiful roads of rural Ohio. It was a twelve hour journey when it was all said and done. Can't beat ridin' to wherever and whenever.


~ Springer Queen

A Little Ride Here, A Little Ride There

A little ride everywhere! Hey, why not? With Summer 2012 having ended and cold, leather-wearing days upon us, I thought I'd post a few of the fun photos from this summer. We ride in the day, and especially love midnight rides when the cagers (and yes, we are often cagers ourselves) are at home snug in their beds!  LOL

Worden's Poker Run
Worden's Poker Run
Shadow ridin'

Out by a lake
Crossing a dam
Crossing a causeway at Conneaut
Falling rock???
Sitting on an overpass
Midnight run for Smoothies!!!

War on Terror Memorial at night
Avenue of 444 Flags at night

The King and Queen! haha
Doin' what I do best - ridin' bitch and drinking coffee!

~ Springer Queen and The Intimidator

War Memorials - 1

We visited the Vietnam Veterans Moving Wall exhibit in August. It was a really nice display, and made us realize just how extensive the deaths were from that war. It doesn't have the names of those who passed away after making it back home, or those who were seriously maimed. But all are honored.

While there, we learned about the only memorial in the United States dedicated to soldiers who have died in relation to the war on terror. It's a beautiful site hosted by the War on Terror Foundation.

War on Terror Memorial

The War on Terror Memorial is located along with The Avenue of Flags memorial dedicated to the US hostages in Iran back in 1979.

Avenue of 444 Flags Memorial
If you're out on your bike in western Pennsylvania, it's a nice stop. 
~ Springer Queen

Perry Bike Run (a little late!)

Relaxing before the run.
No time like the present to post about the Budweiser King and Is participation in the 22nd Annual Fred Perry Bike Run for Kids. This was a really great run with hundreds of riders on a beautiful August day! It's so nice to ride with people who respect the road and some simple pack riding rules.

Bikes lines up and ready to roll.
The view ahead, nice formation!

Out in the country for a little while.

Pesty traffic lights!
The view from behind.

~ Springer Queen