Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Little Ride Here, A Little Ride There

A little ride everywhere! Hey, why not? With Summer 2012 having ended and cold, leather-wearing days upon us, I thought I'd post a few of the fun photos from this summer. We ride in the day, and especially love midnight rides when the cagers (and yes, we are often cagers ourselves) are at home snug in their beds!  LOL

Worden's Poker Run
Worden's Poker Run
Shadow ridin'

Out by a lake
Crossing a dam
Crossing a causeway at Conneaut
Falling rock???
Sitting on an overpass
Midnight run for Smoothies!!!

War on Terror Memorial at night
Avenue of 444 Flags at night

The King and Queen! haha
Doin' what I do best - ridin' bitch and drinking coffee!

~ Springer Queen and The Intimidator

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