Monday, July 13, 2015

We Rode Hard July 4th & 5th

Playing a little catch-up to show a little bit of our July 4th weekend rides. 
On the 4th we met up with members of three riding clubs, Sons of Abiff, Hell Riders, and Rising Souls. 
We were lucky with perfect weather, stopping at Paradise Bay, a lakeside bar and grill. 

Then we saw this. Apparently someone made a mistake - once. 

July 5th we had a Crew ride. 10 bikes, 14 people. 

We rode to Canal Fulton, Ohio for lunch.

Then rode a mere 4 miles to the Ohio Veterans Memorial Park. Our friend Mike, a Purple Heart Vietnam vet, cried recalling the pain and suffering of the war. 

Our people are still dying. 

It was a nice weekend. Enjoy your freedoms. And protect them. 

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