Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Let The Good Times Roll

If you're reading this, and you ride a motorcycle, then you are probably like us thinking "FINALLY, IT'S SPRING!". That was a long winter, and parts of the states are still getting snow. But I think we are done with it, and I've already mowed the lawn once while noticing it already needs it again. That's fine, you know why?

Because I got to go for a great ride with my friends Bones and Hammerhead today! We met shortly after 10am in Hermitage, PA at Dunkin Donuts, then Bones lead us out Rt. 62.

It didn't take too long before we were heading on Rt. 58, nor too long before the road turned to shit! If you ride staggered like we do, those in the right side of the lane get screwed, and that was me. I had to keep going to the center and even to the yellow lines to avoid the most holes and bumps this side of a riverbed!

But Bones got us stopped and we took a detour onto Rt. 208, going out past Foxburg. Our first big stop was at The Korner Restaurant in Sligo, PA. I had a yummy hamball (AKA, ham loaf in the shape of a ball), with slaw and corn, Bones had the reuben dog with fries, and Hammer had a double cheeseburger (duh!). They're desserts are all homemade, but we forgot to leave room in our bellies for any. Next time.

When Bones was younger, he spent a lot of time in East Brady, PA, and would often watch the people at the lookout set sail on gliders jumping from the top and flying like eagles over the Clarion River horseshoe. He has taken us there before, and again today, but today was different. He made it clear that after he dies, all any of us need to do is go to this place, walk out on the outlook deck, and there he will be - in the hills, the sky, the river, the trees, the hawks, the eagles, the sunshine, the air. All around, in everything. If that doesn't sound like the perfect eternal life, I don't know what does.

See the curve of the river? There is a road that is on the inside of the curve with houses and camps. I asked Bones how you get down there, and then he asked if we should go - uh, yes! So we left the lookout, drove down into town, and onto the hemispherical road. What a pretty river up close, with sweeping banks and budding trees. I don't know why I didn't stop to take pics from below. It's left to the imagination until you go there.

Not far from there, Bones showed us the place where he met the love of his life (and vice versa), Nancy. She had been a bartender, and apparently served up the ride "medicine" for old Bones. About 40 years now they've been sharing an abundant life of family and friends.

From there, we stopped for gas and drinks in Emlenton (Hammer loves to wave!).

And from THERE, we continued back westward watching the backed up traffic on I-80 Eastbound. We had seen fire and rescue heading there, not sure what was going on. The sun shown all the way home, on Rt. 208 to Rt. 18 back to West Middlesex, then we wiggled around the 318 detour until we crossed the line into Ohio and made it home to Hubbard. The guys followed me all the way, and then soon departed after greeting Bryon (who had to work all day, haha!). Don't cry for him, he has had four days off with these guys already, plus I'm a nice gal, and hope he get's another day to go riding in the sun. 

That's is all for today. Now, go do some riding if you can, when you can. 

Ride to Eat, Eat to Ride - Holly

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